III  001.      My name is Alex but you can also call me Chaos, I'm from '96 and go by he/they pronouns. I am european, which makes english my second language and while I have been learning it since fourth grade, I still make mistakes. I have PPD ( paranoid personality disorder ) and anxiety, which makes reaching out difficult for me but memes work best for the first interaction. I have been writing for 19 years, on Tumblr since 2013.   III  002.      Please do not message me with a simple 'hi'. Instead tell me about your character or what you love to do. I am terrible at small talk if I've only just met you. My discord is available for mutuals.   III  003.      Most of my muses are villains. Unless discussed first or them actually doing something to your muse, they will not know it. They may feel odd vibes coming off of them but they will not know untl they are clairvoyant.   III  004.      I will not write sexual themes. With no one, as an asexual if makes me feel extremely weird. I will write romantic things but be warned that most of my muses are toxic and won't be too lovey dovey.

   III  005.      Please make sure to tag your nsfw, do not use fancy triggers please. The other way around, if you would like me to tag anything, just ask but I always make sure to tag the most common triggers.   III  006.      Please always make sure to specify a muse when liking starter calls or sending memes, of course this won't apply if we have previously interacted and established the main pairs we are interested in.   III  007.      Another small note regarding shipping, just because I do not write the nsfw stuff, it does not mean that I will not write platonic ships. I love platonic ships, frienships, enemies, allies, anything. I am rather open when it comes to that.   III  008.      Last but not least, make sure to hardblock me if you do not intend to follow back, also hardblock me if you unfollow.



  • NAME   Cato Icilius Orestes.
  • NAME MEANING   Cato meaning "purity", Icilius meaning "hit or injure", Orestes meaning "he who stands like a mountain"
  • ALIAS   Gladiator, Sword boy, PN-386
  • BIRTHPLACE   District Two, Panem
  • BIRTHDAY   June 4th 85ADD
  • AGE   Verse Dependent
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Venus Icilia Orestes, General Icarus Icilius Orestes
  • FOSTER MOTHER   Livia Tryphon Ephialtes
  • SIBLINGS   Callisto Icilia Orestes, younger sister. Cassia Icilia Orestes, younger sister. Cronos Icilius Orestes, younger brother. Cajus Icilius Orestes older brother. Cezar Icilius Orestes, older brother.
  • SPOUSES   Clove Heliodor
  • OCCUPATION   Student at the combat academy. Verse dependent. Victor/survivor of the 74th hunger games, Verse dependent.
  • SCARS   Verse dependent, a large one on his throat ( survivor )
  • HEIGHT   1.76m
  • EYE COLOUR   Blue.
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • SEXUALITY   Bisexual


    mentor,    brutus ialius alkyoneus
    stylist,    agrippa chancellor
    stylist,    felix simmons
    head stylist,    leto barron
    escort,    eos reed
  • POSITIVES   hardworking, tough, enduring, strong, witty, protective, loyal, dedicated
  • NEGATIVES   arrogant, cruel, sadistic, destructive, ruthless, impatient, intimidating, vicious, competitive, obsessive
  • NEUTRALS   dominant, cold, unpredictable, stubborn, domineering
  • MBTI   Estp
  • ZODIAC   Gemini
  • PRONOUNS   He / Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving
  • DIAGNOSIS   Intermitent Explosive Disorder, Depression
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil
  • TROPES   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • A STUDY IN …   How to drown in your own thoughts, Finding out your entire life was a lie, Being puppets on a string in a far greater war.

  • SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.   Born in district two, Cato was the product of his mother's hope of wealth and grew up idolizing the games along with all his brothers. Venus, his mother had a child after him, just two years ago, a girl; Callisto, whom she had sent off to the university to study, she had not been at the academy like everyone else of the family.
    Perhaps that was when the prejudice against the youngest had started. Venus was a plasterer and strove for wealth, hoping to achieve is through her husband, the general, the highest position in two and their many children. Eventually, it was said wealth that had burnt her. She turned to morphling and the drug eventually drove her to death.
    Left by himself with all chldren, Icarus began to train them himself, hoping for them to get even stronger, more deadly.
    Soon, Cato was off to the academy where he only really bonded with a girl and boy from district one and an older boy from his district, Topaz. The latter had eventually became a very close friend of his.
    During his time in the academy, Cato enrolled into hockey, breaking more than just a few noses of his fellow players. He eventually became so competitive that he broke his team mate's neck, Pac died and Cato was suspended for a week.

    The time he usually spent laying on the couch, watching the cartoons that the capitol fed them. Most of them containing slashers and elements of horror to further desensitize them, not that Cato had not been desensitized enough already.
    A few years passed and Cato had become one of the top students at the academy. That was, until a new girl enrolled into the academy and beat his score.
   She had, of course, immediately become a target for Cato, her overly competitive nature caught his attention the day she waslked in and choked a boy with her bare hands. The head trainer, Brutus, closely trained Cato and Cato took almost every night session that he could get, every extra training session, only bringing him closer to his goal.
   Soon, Brutus became someone that Cato trusted. The more they won, the more they were awarded, the more vicious and cold they were, the better. People did not smile there, it was seen as nothing but provocative.
   Cato had seen many people from the academy go to the games and volunteer for them, not many of them returning, dying in honor, their pictures hanging in the grand hall.
   Knowing he would volunteer for the games as soon as he graduated from the academy, two years earlier than usual, at sixteen instead of eighteen, he would kill anyone that stood in his way, he would kill long before the games began.
After he won the games, Cato was sure that he would live in the victor's village and live happily ever after, or so he believed.





  • NAME   Malachai Parker
  • NAME MEANING   God's messenger
  • ALIAS   Kai Parker, Abomination, Little Weasel, Sociopathic Ryan Reynolds, Man Child
  • BIRTHPLACE   Portland, Oregon
  • BIRTHDAY   June 16th 1972
  • AGE   42
  • SPECIES   Siphon, Heretic, depends on the timeline
  • PARENTS   Veronica Parker, Joshua Parker
  • SIBLINGS   Josette Parker, Lucas Parker, Olivia Parker, Joey Parker, Hannah Parker, Michael Parker, Madelaine Parker, Zoe Parker
  • SPOUSES   None
  • OCCUPATION   Leader of the Gemini Coven
  • SCARS   No prominent ones
  • HEIGHT   1.76m
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short, straight
  • EYE COLOUR   Blue.
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Christopher Wood


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive, Charming, Playful,
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Brutal, Remorseless, Choleric, Obsessive, Remorseless, Cruel
  • NEUTRALS   Unstable, Explosive, Provocative
  • MBTI   Ispt
  • ZODIAC   Gemini
  • PRONOUNS   He / Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Manipulation Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving
  • DIAGNOSIS   Antisocial Personality Disorder, Depression
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil
  • TROPES   Growing up in a abusive household, Being the black sheep, reaching into villainy
  • A STUDY IN …   Prejudice against the innocent, forging children into villains, never finding redemption


  • SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.   Malachai was born in Portland, Oregon in 1972 as the eldest son of Joshua Parker and triplet brother of Jo and Michael. As a siphoner, he was shunned by his family, even revealing that he wasn't allowed to touch anyone without wearing special gloves. As twins of the Gemini Coven, Kai and Jo were expected to merge, though this was rendered impossible due to them being a triplet and the only siphoner in the group. Due to this, Joshua and his Veronica kept having children until another pair of twins was born: Liv and Luke.

Realizing this, on May 9, 1994, he decided to kill his siblings and merge with Jo. He stabbed Jo with a hunting knife to get her out of the way as he went after their siblings, but Jo managed to cloak the twins to protect them, promising to merge with him so long as Liv and Luke could live. However, she had relinquished her magic, and the coven harnessed the power of a solar eclipse to trap him in a purgatory dimension for his crimes, which kept him trapped in a snapshot of the day that he was imprisoned. In the Prison World, Kai tried to kill himself several times, each unsuccessful. He realized that it was part of his punishment, a safeguard by the Gemini Coven to make sure that Kai didn't end his eternal imprisonment early. However, Kai managed to escape the prison world.




  • NAME   Mariya Konstantinovna Rostova
  • NAME MEANING   Bitter rebellion
  • ALIAS   Elizabeth Keen, n-13, The Sikorsky Archive, The Red Queen
  • BIRTHPLACE   Moscow, Russia, USSR
  • BIRTHDAY   December 28th 1985
  • AGE   35
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Raymond Reddington, father. Yekaterina Dominiknova Volkova, mother.
  • OTHER   Konstantin Rostov, adoptive father. Dominik Volkov, grandfather. Yelena Volkova, great grandmother.
  • SIBLINGS   Jennifer Reddington
  • SPOUSES   Priya Laghari
  • OCCUPATION   Red Banner Institute student, 1989-2000. Psychology Student, 2002-2009. Forensic Psychologist, 2009-2010, Criminal Profiler, 2011-2013, FBI agent, 2013-2015, Informant 2016-2021, Sleeper Agent for the FSB, 2016-2021, Don of the Elizabeth Keen syndicate, 2015-currently. Fugitive, 2015-currently


  • SCARS   She has a large burn scar on her inner wrist.
  • HEIGHT   1.75
  • HAIR / STYLE   Brunet, shoulder length to back length, usually kept wavy
  • EYE COLOUR   Green.
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Megan Boone, Quinn Shephard
  • POSITIVES   Hardworking, tough, curious, gentle, funny, charming
  • NEGATIVES   Possessive, strict, violent, bossy, blunt, manipulative, resentful, strict, narcissistic, god complex, disloyal, perfectionistic
  • NEUTRALS   Dominant,
  • MBTI   Istp
  • ZODIAC   Unsure
  • PRONOUNS   She/Her
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Stealth, Creative
  • DIAGNOSIS   Extreme Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Neutral

  • SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.     • SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.   Born in Moscow, Russia Soviet Union, as Mariya Konstantinova Rostova she was, at the age of 4, involved in a traumatic incident in which she shot and killed her father, Raymond Reddington, to stop him from attacking her mother, Yekatarina Rostova.  Pretty soon her parents are told that Mariya carries the MAO-A 2R gene. Katheryn Nemic,  a close friend of her mother's, who was hired to look after Mariya, because Katarina could no look at her and began to hate her after she killed the only man she ever loved, Kate took her to a motel in Dover with and Yekatarina left. After the fire  and the death of her father by her own hand, she had spent days in motels with her Kathryn. The motel became somewhat of a home to her, one she would rarely leave. If only at nights, to take a walk to  the river and occasionally play with the daughter of their next door neighbor. Other than that, the two had lived a pretty closed off life, in secret, away from danger. Yekaterina came to visit once or twice, did not spend much time with Masha, though. It was only when things got dangerous, when armed men showed up at their door that safety became a foreign word.  It was the same day that they packed one bag, stole a car and made their way away from there, into safety. Said zone of safety was a KGB owed school, the Red Banner Institute, populated by children aged four to ten, which Liz got easily into due to Yekatarina's connections with the head of the school,  Aleksei Morozov, who was also aware of the Archive that she carried. There they learnt several languages, counter intelligence, investigative skills, just as they were trained in fighting, martial arts and frequent hand to hand combat competitions. Yekaterina was relieved that she didn't have to see Mariya anymore. The day before the end, there was a last trial each of them went through, it  manipulated their memories, altered them or completely erased them, for the KGB's as well as their own protection. On her last day, she was given the identity of Elizabeth Scott Milhoan, and the belief that she grew up with Sam Milhoan. At about the same time she joined the FBI, she met Tom Keen and later married him, changing her name to Elizabeth Scott Keen.

A name she chose herself, although Morozov initially signed the papers for Margaret Scott Milhoan.On a quest to find herself and figure out what he knows about her, she works with him just to find out the truth. but the more truth she wants,  the more lies she gets. Eventually, she decides she has enough of it and decides to find it out on her own, using prohibited methods, even founding her own crime syndicate to get what she wants, which in the end puts her at #1 of the most wanted list of the FBI, becoming exactly what Reddington intended to prevent,  Liz diving into her dark side, becoming who she truly is. WHY IS SHE SO IMPORTANT TO REDINGTON?. short: Liz is N-13 and has the archive under her scar.
At the night of the fire, it burnt the physical copies of the archive, Katarina tried to save the archive by putting the papers in a box ( the box ) and handed Red a key, that looks like the scar, to the box that held the archive, the key burnt and touched Liz, resulting in her scar.  They took this pain and had one of their associates plant memories into Liz mind, information. The archive, the names. And then they blocked this memory. That and the one of the fire. They let the key burn, thus making Liz the only person to have the key to the archive. ( Whether that is an actual key to be recreated from the scar, or just the code, she is the only one who could open it. )
For further protection, they put the archive into Liz' DNA. Which also proved that Liz in N-13 because where ever she goes, she takes it with her. Only the people present at the fire know that Liz is N-13. RRR, Red, Ilya and Katarina. RRR were the last one known to have the archive, thus putting a target on Masha's back. But the physical copies were burnt down, making everyone think the archive was gone as well. The last person to know about it? Masha. Therefore, resulting in Kate contacting Sam to adopt Masha, changing her name to Liz for safety. In conclusion,  Liz stole the archive, as in taking it with her, making her N-13. That's the reason why Red will not tell her who he is. Red claims to be N-13 in order to fulfill his apparent life purpose, protecting Mariya.




  • NAME   Martín Berrote
  • NAME MEANING   Warring
  • ALIAS   Palermo, The Genius,
  • BIRTHPLACE   Buenos Aires
  • BIRTHDAY   June 16th 1972
  • AGE   42
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Amaia Berrote, mother. Manuel Berrote, father.
  • SIBLINGS   None
  • SPOUSES   Verse dependent, Serkan Yildiz, Andrés de Fonollosa
  • OCCUPATION   Heist planner, Robber
  • SCARS   A large scar below his eyebrow, tattered smaller scars around his eyes from shrapnel
  • HEIGHT   1.76m
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short, straight usually unkempt
  • EYE COLOUR   Blue.
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Rodrigo de la Serna & Michelangelo Fortuzzi


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Brutal, Remorseless, Choleric
  • NEUTRALS   None
  • MBTI   Ispt
  • ZODIAC   Lion
  • PRONOUNS   He / Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving
  • DIAGNOSIS   Antisocial Personality Disorder, Depression
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil
   •  TROPES        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
   •  A STUDY IN …        Running away from home, drinking until you vomit your emotions, the importance of physical touch, losing your loved one and avenging them with crime.


  • SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.   Martín was born to Amaia Berrote and from a young age, he was a trouble maker, he was bullied in school, prefered to stay home until he eventually began to skip school, finding it too boring, until his parents asked a children psychologist for help who told him that Martín was a genius, only stepping out of line in chool because it bored him so incredibly. She advised them to put Martín on a school for highly intelligent children though his parents declined, not having the money for it.
So Martín continued to go to school there, in their tiny district, growing more bored day by day. He began doing homework for other children, earning himself money like that. Soon after, at the age of sixteen, when faced with social ignorance, he began planning heists for people, dropped out of school and began to work on a blacksite. There he met a man, Pablo, who encouraged him to go back to school, paid his college tuition and even helped him get into uni to study mechanical engineering.

While studying mechanical engineering and finishing it with honors, he kept selling his heist plans to people for a large sum of money. One day, during one of his heists, he met a man in the museum they intended to rob, Andrés. It seemed like they were not the only ones trying to rob the museum. Andrés took the jewelery an disappeared. Months later, Martín managed to hunt him down and found him in Paris, where they agreed that they would develop a heist plan together.
Shortly, after, Martín began to be infatuated by Andrés. He met his brother, and together they planned one of the biggest heists in history. The tension between the two men was clear but Andrés had never made any advances toward Martín, who rather silently suffered and prefered the other's hushed glances and their silent, secret love affair over not having him at all. This continued for twelve years, until they finally set their greatest heist into motion.




   •  NAME       Maksim Petrovich Romanov.
  • NAME MEANING   Greatness
   •  ALIAS       Ghost
   •  BIRTHPLACE       Chelyabinsk-5, Ozersk.
   •  BIRTHDAY        July 12th 1862
   •  AGE        Unknown
   •  SPECIES        Enhanced Human
   •  PARENTS        Pyotr Illych Romanov & Ilyana Konstantinovna Romanova
   •  SIBLINGS        Oksana Romanov, fate unknown.
   •  SPOUSES        Ekaterina.
   •  OCCUPATION        G.H.O.S.T Operative
   •  SCARS        Too many of them, he has a promiment one under his eye.
   •  HEIGHT        2.07m
   •  HAIR / STYLE        Short, dark brown, straight.
   •  EYE COLOUR        Brown.
   •  BUILD        Muscular
   •  FACECLAIM        Ben Barnes.


   •  POSITIVES       Focused, Goal Orientated, Silent
   •  NEGATIVES       Vicious, Violent, Ruthless, Calculating, Wicked
   •  NEUTRALS       Witty..
   •  MBTI        Estp
   •  ZODIAC        Unknown.
   •  PRONOUNS        He / Him
   •  SKILLS        Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Inhuman strength, inhuman speed ( which he does not use often ), immortality ( sort of )
   •  DIAGNOSIS         Antisocial Personality Disorder
   •  ALIGNMENT        Chaotic Evil
   •  TROPES        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
   •  A STUDY IN …        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


   •  SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.       Maksim was born to Ilyana Romanova and Pyotr Romanov on the 12th of July 1862 in a russian village that was surrounded by Lake Irityash. It was called Chelyabinsk-5 and was named Ozersk a century later. G.H.O.S.T founded the Soviet nuclear weapons program just a few years after. To this day it remains a closed town. Which also comes in handy to for many of the asssets, and the intelligence itself as it requires authorization for visits or even short-time stays.
He has had an older sister, Oksana, who fell into the lake and got carried away when she was twelve years old, and he eight. Supposedly drowned but not known for sure. She has been missing ever since. Maksim had joined the military at age seventeen. Their family's home had just been empty without Oksana and their parents hadn't made any amends to change anything about it. During his time in the military, Maksim had written his parents many letters, though they never been answered. After a few years, he had stopped writing and assumed them to be dead. It was more of a protection for himself to move on.
23rd of December 1884, Engels, RUS
On the fifth anniversary, at age twenty two, of him being in the army, and being trained in almost everything he would ever need for the job, he was selected to go to the G.H.O.S.T pre selection event due to his cold and arrogant nature. That's what his comrades said, though it was because of his immense skillset and his blind loyalty, that he had not only displayed in the army but also before in life. Maksim had slept almost a week over this decision but eventually agreed that it was time for a change. So he went to the pre selection day at G.H.O.S.T. a program that took skilled soldiers and turned them into marksmen of all nationalities to cause chaos.
It was uncommon to be recruited at the age of twenty two but not impossible. This still left Maksim to be the youngest in his group. But Malyen Orlov, the man who recruited Maksim, commonly known as The Marshal amongst the Ghosts, saw potential in him. He did not have family left, thus his new family, the Ghosts, would be all that's left for him, making him focus solely on them. Which he had done, Maksim was glad that he was given the opportunity.

January 1885, Engels, RUS. Anna Bolshoi, the Ghost before Maksim had recently died and therefore, they were in need of a new one. The two, the body of Anna and Maksim were then taken to a remote warehouse in the middle of a forest. Apprently nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The two were sent into a private clinic where Anna's Oplast 200 was operated out and then put it into Maksim's neck just an hour later. He was knocked out by meds for the next 48 hours before he woke up.
Upon awakening, he was told that Anna had died and that they were going to perform a couple of tests on him, to test whether his mind was able to carry Anna's. At the time, Maksim hadn't known what conspired but the doctors had tested whether Anna's conscience and knowledge was transfered correctly into his body. All said and done, Anna was buried hours later and Maksim stayed in the hospital over night before being picked up by Malyen Orlov in the morning. Together they went back to the G.H.O.S.T base and he was introduced to everything, the guns, the rooms and his team mates. Which he was meant to be leading at the age of 24, one year later.
GHOST headquarters, Engels, RUS, 1886
Back in Engels and a week later, Maksim had now started his training. His body had fully synced with Anna's mind and he carried now every emotion, felt every event Anna and her previous Ghost's had been through. Some of the Ghosts actually died because their body and their mind could not handle the amount of information and changes that they went through. Therefore it wasn't rare that one Ghost suddenly died after the transfer. But these were just the of side effects of Oplast, they were aware of the risks way before of the surgery.
With his body now fully synced, Maksim was suddenly way better at combat than he was before, he could build anything from scratch but over all he could assemble a rifle within fifteen seconds. Multiple years of knowledge were now his to hold. These were then used to fulful the mission, to win wars they weren't supposed to win like they were responsible for the victory of the IV war against China. This gained them allies from Japan, the UK, France, German and Hungary, where many of those had also joined G.H.O.S.T, strengthening their alliances. Most of those have been given implants thereupon, and were controlled by G.H.O.S.T. Shortly after, Maksim got his own group with Ekaterina Rostova, Ilya, Roman & Mikael in it, all very skilled operatives.




  • NAME   Cove Caladh
  • NAME MEANING   Small diving bay
  • ALIAS   Coast, PN-7212, Snake Skin, Victor of the 58th Hunger Games
  • BIRTHPLACE   District Four, Panem
  • BIRTHDAY   December 10th 73ADD
  • AGE   34, won his games at thirteen years old
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Tethys Caladh and Netta Caladh From District Four
  • OTHER   A twin brother, Nif Caladh, imprisoned by the capitol, unbeknownst to him
  • SIBLINGS   Nif Caladh, fate unknown, likely deceased
  • SPOUSES   Enyo Wells, husband, alive
  • HOME   District Four, Panem, previously. The Capitol, Panem, currently.
  • OCCUPATION   Student of the Academy, previously. Victor of the 58th Hunger Games, previously. Mentor, currently.


  • SCARS   A large scar on his left lower arm, a snake bite. A scar from a knife wound on his upper calf.
  • HEIGHT   1.81
  • HAIR / STYLE   Dark blonde to brown, curly hair, kept above his shoulders
  • EYE COLOUR   Forest Green
  • BUILD   Athletic, Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Aaron Taylor Johnson, Timothée Chalamet
  • POSITIVES   Witty, Alert, Confident, Educated
  • NEGATIVES   Dramatic, Unfocused, Idealistic, Asocial
  • NEUTRALS   Casual, Noncommittal, Skeptical
  • ZODIAC   Sagittarius
  • PRONOUNS   He/Him
  • SKILLS   Fishing, Knots, Observation, Swimming, Diving
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Neutral


   •  SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.       Cove was born to Tethys and Netta Caladh grew up in district four, attending the academy, where he mostly befriended people shallowly. He was not the best student but had always excelled at toxicology and spear throwing, which often made it possible to buy bread and fish for his family. Like his fellow careers, he grew up extremely competitive and manipulative. Unlike most careers though, Cove had a rather good relationship with his parents and his twin brother.
At thirteen years old, after winning the trials at the academy, Cove finally volunteered for the games, breaking a boy’s arm who tried to take his place. He was far too young to volunteer, as his mentor would have said, but to Cove, a win was a win. He did not back down until they took him as a tribute; even better for him, Panem now knew his name. Everyone did.
His mentor advised him to ally with Two early on and so they did. During training the career pack was often found together except for Marsh, the twelve year old tribute from Cove’s district. She was disregarded in their alliance and Cove had no interest in lying to her about her chances of survival. Marsh was a small, thin twelve year old with freckles that covered her entire face, her striking red hair rain down her back and was carefully braided into braids that resembled fishing nets.
During their parade they wore nothing but fishing nets with small sea stars adoring them. The halves of their faces were covered in algae that was bound to a ribbon at the top. All Marsh did in her training session was to sit and knot nets, Cove in turn showed off his abilities with a spear and got an 11. Aloy and Nell from Two quickly agreed to the alliance. During his interviews Cove wore a simple green suit.
The 58th Hunger Games arena was a rain forest and while at first Cove believed this to be the perfect arena for him, it quickly proved him otherwise. In the arena, Marsh immediately tagged on to Cove, allied with Aloy, Nell and Lotus, who had lost her district partner during the bloodbath, leaving the Careers with only five of them.

At first, he had formed an alliance with the girl and boy from district two, Aloy and Nell. There were sources of water in which he could hunt but he discovered that he had to keep his district partner, Marsh, a tall, skinny girl that he had seen sell fish on the market a few years before the reaping, alive. She was smart but not smart enough to realise that Cove was simply using her for his benefit. On day two, he had pushed her to the ground and poisoned her with a pin he carried around his thumb, watching her violently colvulse before the first cannon went off, the first victim of the 58th games, his own district partner.Each day, Cove parted from the group and sought the other tributes out himself, wanting to have as many kills for himself as possible. During the night, they were attacked my snake mutts, who were much larger and could move faster. As they fled toward the river, Cove caught one of the snake and swam away with it. To his surprise the snake survived but left him severely bitten on his leg. He caught multiple more snakes before making his way over to the other tributes and unleashing the snakes on them, having them distracted enough to kill them with a spear before trapping the snakes again and moving on to the next tributes. After killing almost every single one of them, Cove noticed how the venom got into his bloodstream and itching scales began to form on his legs. He then got into the water and waited for the next thing to happen, which it did.When the floods overthrew them, Cove simply survived because he knew how to swim, taking out two more of them while saving both of his career allies. The day after, thousands of green anacondas infested the lake, forcing him out of it and earning him his fair share of snake bites, which his mentor helped him deal with by sponsoring medicine, which he used but instead of running, he caught the snakes with a net and created traps with them, killing another handful of tributes,

eventually leaving him only with Lotus, the girl from district one, and losing Aloy and Nell in the lake. Cove fell to the ground and began crying, intending for the girl to kneel down to him, which she did. His gaze darkened in the same moment in which he sprung forward and ripped out her throat with his teeth. Two minutes later, his teeth bloody, he was declared victor of the 58th hunger games.He met with Nell and Lotus who agreed to lure the remaining tributes to the sea where he drowned them.
The cannon went off for the boy from Six and Cove and Marsh, Nell and Lotus were the last remaining tributes. He suggested that they wait until tomorrow and see what they would do then, but he snapped Marsh’s neck after she fell asleep, not wanting to look her in the eye when she died. He killed Nell by putting venom in his mouth and kissing her, spitting the venom into her mouth instead. The next day, Cove lured Lotus into the lake by pretending to have a mental breakdown, he knew Lotus well enough, she was not able to kill him. He sat in the water, crying when Lotus ran toward him and offered him her hand, Cove pulled her into the water and buried his head in the crook of her neck. The whole audience went silent and in the next minute, a cannon went off, neither Lotus nor Cove moved but as Cove stood up, his teeth were bloody, pieces of Lotus’ flesh between them, Lotus throat torn open as the water filled with blood. He had ripped her throat out, making him victor.
On the victory tour, he showed strong association with the capitol while also standing up for his district. Shortly after, he moved to the victor’s village, agreeing to become a mentor for tributes from four after his win, on the simple condition of seeing his twin brother again. Which, of course, he was denied. He accepted nonetheless, intending to make victors out of the district four tributes but over the years, he began to dread seeing them die and became a heavily alcoholic to cope with it.




  • NAME   Thomas Vincent Keen
  • ALIAS   Christopher Phelps, Christopher Hargrave
  • BIRTHPLACE   Chabarowsk, Russia
  • BIRTHDAY   June 12th 1985
  • AGE   33
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Howard Hargrave, Susan Scott Hargrave
  • SIBLINGS   Jacob Phelps, twin brother
  • SPOUSES   Elizabeth Keen, wife.
  • OCCUPATION   Assassin and Spy, Operative for Halcyon Aegis
  • SCARS   No prominent ones
  • HEIGHT   1.86m
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short, wavy, sometimes shaven at the sides
  • EYE COLOUR   Green.
  • BUILD   Muscular


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Resourceful, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive, Lying, Tolerant, Responsible
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Vindictive, Ruthless, Cunning, Disloyal, Calculating
  • NEUTRALS   Reserved
  • MBTI   Istp
  • ZODIAC   Lion
  • PRONOUNS   He / Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving
  • DIAGNOSIS   Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Neutral

In August 1991, Christopher and Jacob are both kidnapped by a human trafficking organization during a summer break with their parents. The forces search for years but eventually it comes to a stop and both boys are declared dead. Both boys manage to flee a few years later and are saved by the Major, an infamous underground spy traner. The man offers them safety and a home, and wants them to work for him in exchange. Christopher agrees but Jacob is hesitant. Jacob runs off and Christopher goes with the major.

Not many years later, Christopher is one of the best operatives the Major had ever laid his eyes on. He succeeds at the training and eventually becomes a spy and assassin for the major. At age 25, Christopher is assigned to a job, protecting Elizabeth Keen. He eventually falls in love with her, gets fired by his boss, Reddington and gets a mutual friend to employ him instead, Milos. He moves in with Elizabeth, marries her and works as a covert operative in counter terrorism.




  • NAME   Milos Pavlovich Kinsky
  • NAME MEANING   Merciful
  • ALIAS   Colonel Josef, Berlin
  • BIRTHPLACE   Chabarowsk, Russia
  • BIRTHDAY   November 2nd 1964.
  • AGE   59
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Pavel Mikhaylov, Ekaterina Mikhaylova
  • SIBLINGS   Twin Brother, deceased.
  • SPOUSES   None.
  • OCCUPATION   Colonel, Former Spetsnaz, CEO of an army education program, CEO of a child soldier training program ( in secret )
  • SCARS   No prominent ones
  • HEIGHT   1.98m
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short, straight
  • EYE COLOUR   Green.
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Jeffrey Dean Morgan


  • POSITIVES   Manipulative, Influence, Resourceful, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive, Lying, Tolerant
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Vindictive, Vengeful, Ruthless, Cunning, Disloyal, Calculating
  • NEUTRALS   Reserved
  • MBTI   Entp
  • ZODIAC   Lion
  • PRONOUNS   He / Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving
  • DIAGNOSIS   None
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil


   •  SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.       Milos grew up with a traditional russian father, who always took him to the parades, taught him weaponry and enlisted him in the army as soon as he was of age. He started out in the red army, rose to the rank of colonel rather fast and was notorious for sending his enemies in the siberian gulags. during the cold war, in a meeting in kursk with other soviet officials, on how to make their more progressive attendance and the resistance, a bomb went off, killing fifteeen officials. Shortly after that, his daughter, Zoe was caught with an American dissident and was imprisoned.

Kirchoff used his connections to help her escape but the Kremlin found him and intended to use him as an example. He was put in a siberian gulag. One day, he received a pocket watch he had given his daughter. The day after, body parts were sent to his cell. Believing Zoe to be murdered, Milos used to bones of the bodies to sharpen knives, killed the guards and fled. Together with Oleg Sokolov and his son, he founded a KGB operation called Firebird, where he would train Americans into Soviet Assassins and destroy various US based facilities.




  • NAME   Atlas Nightingale
  • NAME MEANING   To endure
  • ALIAS   Nightingale
  • BIRTHPLACE   New Orleans, US
  • BIRTHDAY   November 2nd 1980
  • AGE   34
  • SPECIES   Enhanced Human
  • PARENTS   Benjamin, technically. Joseph Nighingale, adoptive father. Larissa Nightingale, adoptive mother.
  • SIBLINGS   John, half brother.
  • SPOUSES   None.
  • OCCUPATION   Assassin
  • SCARS   Multiple but the most prominent one can be found on his back in the form of two large oval faded scars near his spine.
  • HEIGHT   1.84
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short brunet, kept wavy.
  • EYE COLOUR   Green
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Jensen Ackles


  • POSITIVES   Patient, Convincing, Charming
  • NEGATIVES   Cunning, Sadistic, Vicious, Calculating, Manipulative, Ruthless, Cruel, Explosive
  • NEUTRALS   Observant, Thoughtful, Confident
  • ZODIAC   Scorpio
  • PRONOUNS   He/Him
  • SKILLS   Manipulation, Stealth, Strategic thinking, martial arts, Proficiency with weaponry, Observation
  • DIAGNOSIS   None
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil







  • NAME   Caoimhe Oidhche
  • NAME MEANING   Gentle Night
  • ALIAS   Witch, The devil from Ireland
  • BIRTHPLACE   Cobh, Ireland
  • BIRTHDAY   November 12th 1996
  • AGE   27
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Saoirse Oidhche, nurse and Father Fionn Oidhche, mechanic. Both deceased, killed by Caoimhe.
  • SIBLINGS   Eabha Oidhche, student, sister, deceased, killed by Caoimhe.
  • SPOUSES   Not available.
  • OCCUPATION   Serial Killer, Kiosk Worker
  • SCARS   Multiple scars from leather on her back, burn scars on her under arms
  • HEIGHT   1.66
  • HAIR / STYLE   When she's with the cult, it is kept braided and in a bun, when she is ouside, it's cascading down her shoulders
  • EYE COLOUR   Green
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Victoria Pedretti


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive,
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Remorseless, Ruthless, Easily Manipulated, Naive,
  • NEUTRALS   Charming, Convincing, Insidious
  • MBTI   Entp
  • ZODIAC   Unknown
  • PRONOUNS   She/Her
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving, Intelligence, Herd Keeping
  • DIAGNOSIS   None
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Neutral

Born into an apocalyptic cult named Babel’s Gate, that anticipated the end of the world by no one else but the devil himself andoften shortened to Babel itself, Caoimhe grew up in a secluded part of the town of Cobh in Ireland.
Her father Fionn and her mother, Saoirse, had both grown up in Babel’s Gate long before Caoimhe was born. While Saoirse worked as a nurse and tended to the cult’s members, Fionn was something like their leader at the time, being called to lead the cult into greatness by the ancient spirit they thought would bring them the apocalypse if they did not do as they were told. While the cult mostly confined them within Babel, as they called the part of the town, they were often allowed to attend church in the bigger cities. One day, Caoimhe wandered around there and met him, whom she had called upon as a young child, merely as a joke with the other children from Babel.
Dared by him to kill her boyfriend, Caoimhe became obsessed with the power that he held over people, it was not much later that she began to kill people for him and become somewhat less cautious to keep Babel safe.

As punishment for neglecting their family, Fionn took her to the church and whipped her while the entire cult watched. After this, Caoimhe began to hallucinate more freuently to deal with the pain. She never lost a word about what happend and kept working at the kiosk. One day, she snapped and killed her father while he as asleep, smothering him with a pillow and knocked her mother out and set the house on fire.
He, however, told him that it was not enough and that she would die if she did not help him prevent the end of days by lessers and eliminate all those that stood in their way of a grandiose future.
So she shot her sister with the nail gun from the barn, and had him prepare everything so it looked like an accident. Together they fled Ireland and he revealed himself to her in physical form, to this day, Caoimhe is not sure whether he is real or not.
Thesedays, Caoimhe kept Babel alive, recruiting people that she sees fit for the cult while trying to dodge authorities.



  • NAME   Fionn Oidhche
  • NAME MEANING   Fair Haired
  • ALIAS   The Father
  • BIRTHPLACE   Cobh, Ireland
  • BIRTHDAY   Unknown
  • AGE   54
  • SPECIES   Human
  • PARENTS   Róisín and Siobhan Oidhche
  • SIBLINGS   None
  • SPOUSES   Saoirse Oidhche.
  • OCCUPATION   Leader of Babel's Gate.
  • SCARS   Possession scars on his hands, a rather deep one along his abdomen from Caoimhe.
  • HEIGHT   1.84
  • HAIR / STYLE   Kept mid length, light grey
  • EYE COLOUR   Green
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Andrew Lincoln


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive, Imaginative
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Brutal, Remorseless, Harsh
  • NEUTRALS   Charming, Convincing
  • MBTI   Entp
  • ZODIAC   Unknown
  • PRONOUNS   He/Him
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving, Intelligence, Three dimensional thinking,
  • DIAGNOSIS   Undiagnosed Antisocial Personalit Disorder
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil






  • NAME   Daria Ivanovna Morozova
  • NAME MEANING   Possessing goodness
  • ALIAS   The Black Witch, Heretic, Drüskelle Traitor, Grisha Traitor
  • BIRTHPLACE   Brevno, Ravka
  • BIRTHDAY   Unknown
  • AGE   25
  • SPECIES   Shadow Summoner
  • PARENTS   Baghra Morozova, biological mother. Inessa and Pavel Ivanov, foster parents.
  • SIBLINGS   Ulla Morozova, Aleksander Morozova
  • SPOUSES   Eryk Rostov.
  • OCCUPATION   Drüskelle
  • SCARS   Multiple, all of which she hides, her most prominent scar is on her back from when she got too close to a pyre.
  • HEIGHT   1.66
  • HAIR / STYLE   Short to long, rather curly
  • EYE COLOUR   Brown
  • BUILD   Muscular
  • FACECLAIM   Katherine Langford


  • POSITIVES   Influential, Convincing, Adaptable, Persuasive, Imaginative
  • NEGATIVES   Manipulative, Violent, Brutal, Remorseless, Harsh
  • NEUTRALS   Charming, Convincing
  • MBTI   Entp
  • ZODIAC   Unknown
  • PRONOUNS   She/Her
  • SKILLS   Endurance, Fast Reactions, Patience, Integrity, Technical Skills, Flexibility, Problem Solving, Intelligence, Three dimensional thinking,
  • DIAGNOSIS   Undiagnosed Antisocial Personalit Disorder
  • ALIGNMENT   Chaotic Evil

   •  SPINELESS IN MY TOMB OF SILENCE.       Daira was born in Brevno, Ravka to Baghra Morozova and an unknown heartrender around 91 years ago. Shortly after birth, Baghra knew that she was grisha, she was given to Inessa and Pavel Ivanov so she could grow up without having to be around Aleksander as Baghra feared that Daria would eventually kill him. Although she grew up far away from Brevno, Baghra came to visit her once a week, teaching her about her powers as she was educated else by her foster family. Shotly before her twelfth birthday, Daria was able to master her powers but the more she mastered them, the more her digust grew, toward the powers, toward grisha.

Eventually, Daria felt so disgusted and hateful towards grisha, that she denied to be grisha at all. From thereon, she pretended to be otkazat'sya and her foster family went with it. During the same month, Daria asked Bagra to stop visiting her. Eventually, Daria began to teach young grisha to hate themselves and hate their powers, hunting other grisha. Soon after she met one of the girls elder brother's, Eryk. The two later became a couple, founding a group of people who sold grisha to the drüskelle and took them to the pyre. THeir group, the Palcs, was well known and feared in Ravka. The members more or less unknown as no grisha survived to tell.




  SELINA KYLE   dc comics. primary. canon divergent. fc. danielle campbell.
  NEGAN WILLIAMS   the walking dead. primary. canon divergent. fc. jeffrey dean morgan.
   CATO ICILIUS ORESTES      the hunger games.  primary. canon.  fc. harris dickinson.
   COVE CALADH      the hunger games.  primary. oc.  fc. aaron taylor johnson.
   DARIA IVANOVNA MOROZOVA      grishaverse.  primary. oc.  fc. katherine langford.

  MALACHAI PARKER   the vampire diaries. primary. canon divergent. fc. chris wood.
   GHOST      super soldier oc.  primary. canon divergent.  fc. ben barnes.
  LYDIA MARTIN + VOID   teen wolf. primary. canon divergent. fc. abigail cowen.

  CAOIMHE OIDHCHE   serial killer. primary. oc. fc. victoria pedretti.


  CHRISTOPHER ARAIZA   good girls. primary. canon. fc. manny montana.
   ROMAN BRIGGS      blindspot.  primary. canon.  fc. luke mitchell.
   MARIYA KONSTANTINOVNA ROSTOVA      the blacklist.  primary. canon.  fc. megan boone.
   MILOS PAVLOVICH KINSKY      the blacklist.  primary. canon .  fc. jeffey dean morgan.
   THOMAS VINCENT KEEN      the blacklist.  primary. canon divergent.  fc. matt gubler.
   PALERMO      la casa de papel.  primary. canon divergent.  fc. rodrigo de la serna.
  BELGRADE   la casa de papel. primary. canon divergent. fc. rodrigo de la serna.
   ILLYA ILLYCH KOZLOV      the blacklist.  primary. canon divergent.  fc. james spader.



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